45. Have my own photo shoot
46. Eat junk food until I get sick
47. Be an extra in a movie or an advert
48. Write a fan letter to Nelson Mandela
49. Tell someone all my secrets over a bottle of Captain
50. Brew my own beer
51. Party all night and go straight to work without having gone home, just once
52. Learn to bartend
53. Get wasted on an airplane

54. Fly in a private jet
55. Learn to rollerblade
56. Learn how to accept criticism
57. Learn to say yes even when I don’t want to
58. Learn to stand up for myself
59. Learn to forgive and forget
60. Learn to accept myself for who I am
61. Learn to accept my greatest weakness and use it to my advantage
62. Shave off all my hair in support of cancer
63. Surprise my mom with a spa weekend
64. Send a message in a bottle
65. Go to parliament
66. Learn to tango
67. Write a romantic novel
68. Spend the whole day in bed reading romantic novels
69. Sit on a jury
70. Learn to play the drums
71. Learn to juggle – with three balls
72. Teach someone illiterate to read
73. Stay the night in a haunted house by myself
74. Stay in a castle
75. Party with royalty
76. Party with celebrities
77. Spend New Years in an exotic location
78. Help out with a worthwhile cause
79. Loose 10 kilos in one week
80. Join the gym and actually go religiously
81. Sing Heal the World in front of a large audience
82. Enter idols (just for fun)
83. Make a complete and utter fool of myself on national TV
84. Ride on the back of an elephant
85. Pet a lion

86. Buy myself a Gucci bag
87. Sleep under the stars at the beach
88. Overcome a fear
89. Make my own billboard
90. Give a public speech
91. Go to a black Eyed Peas concert

92. Donate money to a charity
93. Go fishing
94. Create my own website
95. Visit the Holy Land
96. Visit a prisoner
97. Run a marathon
98. Adopt an orphan
99. Ride a tandem bicycle
100. Stand naked in the rain