Friday, May 21, 2010


I believe this is 100 percent true. What would happen if every person in the world only had one idea. Each person would pursue this idea for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or even years and when one day they either figure out what to do with the idea or fail horribly at it, they will not know what to do next.

Every person on this planet would be clueless at some or other point in their useless lives. They will feel stupid and completely useless once they have completed what ever it was that their idea was to do or be in the first place.

This world would not exist at all if it weren’t for many people with many, many different ideas all floating around all being used at different times to create a universe worth living in. So please if you do anything in this life time make sure that is that you have more than one idea in your head.


When I was younger all I ever wanted to be was a Television Personality. I wanted to be a TV news journalist or even a big shot actress. I never thought I would get the opportunity so I just kept living my life as though that dream would never come true. Why, would a small time girl such as myself became such a big shot in the Television world? It just wouldn’t happen in a million years.

I decided to study journalism instead so at least I could be close to my dream. I enjoyed every minute of it especially when we got to do on screen interviews. That really got my heart and blood pumping. All the other students hated it but I thrived off the fear and excitement it gave me.

Then one day a man from ABC came to watch our interviews I had no idea he was there but when we all finished our lecturer brought us together and told us what had happened. Most of the students looked like they wanted to get sick. I was smiling from ear to ear.

The following day I got a call from my lecturer saying that the ABC guy wanted me to star in a new show called “Watch this space”. I could not believe my time had come it just shows that anything can happen to anyone so pursue your dreams.


Leadership is a skill that one is almost always born with and therefore can not be bred into a person. I do believe some people can be brought up to be great leaders but the ones who are born leaders will be great and those taught to be leaders will just be average, again this is my own opinion.

Being a leader is a huge task, as you need to gain the trust of your followers. You need to be confident in yourself and you need to know what you are doing, is right. Never deny yourself in any way when it comes to leading your followers. Believe that any instinct you have is almost always a good instinct so go with it.

One big decision you need to make, is if you are going to be a great ‘good’ leader or great ‘bad’ leader and what I mean by this is are you going to be Nelson Mandela or Adolf Hitler? They were both great leaders but they affected their nations in two completely different ways. This is your decision; just remember you are constructing not only your destiny but those of your followers as well.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Sasha had just found out she was pregnant and she did not know how to tell her boyfriend or her parents. As she was only 15, this was going to be a tough subject to breech. Sasha didn’t know who to turn to so of course she spoke to her best friend, Lauren.

Lauren unfortunately had a huge crush on Sasha’s boyfriend and so when she found out about the baby she was not very happy. She decided that she would find a way to tell Sasha’s parents.

One Saturday afternoon when everyone was sitting in the lounge drinking hot chocolate and chatting, Lauren decided to set the elephant in the room and she told Sasha’s parents.

What Lauren hadn’t taken into consideration is how much Sasha’s parents loved her and even though they were angry with Sasha they were angrier at Lauren for trying to get poor Sasha into trouble. Moral of the story is never try hurt someone because karma will bite twice as hard.


The moment you wake up in the morning make a conscious decision to have a good day. Don’t let that silly man in his sports car get you down because he hooted at you. Think that he’s just jealous because he knows your having an awesome day.

Walk through your office door with a smile on your face and if someone starts moaning at you, just look at them with that same smile and say how can I help you. This will shock them back to life and make things far more productive.

Spilt tea on your new black pants? Well it could have been worse, they could have been white. Never think that life is tough because there are people out there with no arms or legs, people with incurable diseases and people who go week for week without food. Never mind the millions of people in the world who have no one to love them. The glass should always be half full instead of half empty.

Take every single day as the best day of your life and never stop the smiling and the laughter that it brings with it.


Think about breaking up with a boyfriend…you never think about what you are going to say, you act out irrationally and attack that person for no real reason at all. You say things you don’t mean, you say things you never even thought were possible to say and then after everything has happened, this is when you truly feel the rashness of your words and decisions. You then either break down in tears or pack up laughing but no matter what, most people tend to act out before they feel what is truly happening around them.

We as a human race need to learn to sit back, take in the situation in its entirety and then act on what we understand and feel is right. Telling your sibling they are heartless and worth nothing and then only realising later that none of what you said is true and retracting the statement is not enough. The damage is already done. That person has already been hurt and nothing you say or do can take that back.

This is where we need to learn to listen to what people have to say, understand what they are saying, understand what they and you are feeling and then behave accordingly.


I find wondering can be about knowing exactly where you are going but just taking your time getting there. For instance wondering through your own mind whilst studying…you know what you need to be doing yet you prefer to think of more interesting things to do. Wondering is one of the most popular forms of procrastination.

I’m sure someone who needs to go get tested for any serious illness would wonder around for hours knowing where they should be but trying to will themselves to reach their final destination is almost impossible. Wondering is a form of escape.

Wondering is almost definitely not about being lost but about trapping time into a small box and letting it out ever so slowing that one is able to deal with each situation in due course. No one likes to deal with too much all at once so instead we take small steps to nowhere in order to accept what shall take place at a later stage. Wondering is a way of preparing oneself for the future.


A person who is passionate about speaking in front of huge crowds of people may find that they become too much of a perfectionist and therefore they feel they are inadequate to fulfil such a role.

Everyone tends to over analyse the things they are good at. Barbara Streisand stopped singing in public for over 20years just because she made the small mistake of forgetting the lines to a song in the middle of the performance. Anyone could have made this mistake but for Barbara it was the end of her on stage career for years. Until the day they created Teleprompters. Though she forgot about one thing and that was what would happen if the crowd stood up, like they did, and blocked the prompters. She did manage to make it through that particular show I might add.

If ones ego becomes too big they will always make a mistake. Try to keep yourself in line with the rest of the world, but never hold yourself back because you don’t want to make a mistake. The sky is the limit, as long as you consider your limitations.


Cassidy was having a terrible day. Nothing seemed to be going her way. She thought that getting engaged would be the happiest time of her life but no, nothing seemed to be right.

She could not find a free church for at least 3 years. The caterers she had always wanted had gone bankrupt and left her small town to head south and lastly she had gained 5kgs since she had last tried on her perfect wedding dress and now it wasn’t really perfect anymore.

So poor Cassidy just wanted to curl up and cry for hours on end. This was when Cassidy looked up only too see a Gigantic, perfect looking Wedding Cake-in-the-middle-of-the road. Of course it was only a float competition put on by the local Hotel school students but none the less this gave Cassidy a great idea.

Cassidy decided to use her own back garden as the ceremony area and she used the Hotel school chefs to do the catering who also gave her a great diet so she looked beautiful in her dress on the big day.

When life hands you lemons be creative and use to down your tequila shots.


The world is a buzz of people running through the streets, cars hooting, babies crying and just the general pitter patter of the everyday noises that we call life.

No one notices anything different. Everyone is living life as they normally would. Stay at home moms are running their babies off to a play date so they can fit in their next Mani Pedi. Working dads are shouting across the board room at an office full of nervous staff. Then there are the teenagers testing the boundaries of their very existence and the grade ones going to school for the first time, excitement and nerves spread across their faces like wild fire.

When all of a sudden out of nowhere “the sound of one hand clapping” brings to the world a lapse of silence. No one can explain what they felt during that minute but all shall never be the same again. Everyone decided their destinies shall change due to one small clap.

Never under estimate the small things in life as they can make the biggest changes.


One always looks at the snotty kids of the rich and famous and say “I wish that were me, I wish that I could have everything in life that my heart desires”. In all honesty though, do you really wish that were you?

We walk through life climbing the ladder one step at a time; gaining knowledge and plenty of respect for others as we go along. We take things in our own stride; we do what we want to do and when we want to do it. We are able to learn from our own mistakes without others judging us.

Now try stepping in the shoes of one of these so called rich kids. Some have no ambitions in life yet they are expected to stand at the top of a 100-foot pole for all to see and never make a single mistake. Is their life easy? Sure, if you think living your life in the spot light is easy then why not go have a bash at it I’m pretty sure they’ll trade places with you for a day or six.


Walking down the street I stop to observe what a lovely sunny day it is. When all of a sudden I feel like I’ve just been hit with a frying pain full of fish paste.

I look around and all I can see is a big smelly gross cat fish lying about 30cm from my feet. Next thing I know my entire street is being bombarded with gigantic cat fish.

Then I realise that I’m deep within the ocean of white surrounded by the creatures of the sea. Whales, dolphins, starfish and every colour of the rainbow surround me. Oh what bliss it is to be free and float around in your own imagination.


The colour of the wind is like the pattern of the universe. No one can ever see it but yet all we want to do is paint it.

Wind creates its own colour by painting our emotions. It can make one happy, sad or angry; creating a true vision of blues, purples, yellows, oranges and even reds. Taking these colours we create a rainbow of nature and human emotion combined.

Watch the wind stir up a pile of old autumn leaves as they swirl up into a deep blue autumn sky and blend into a parallel universe of beauty. Life without the wind would be like a human without a heart nothing would be interesting or fun. Remember that summers day when you were walking down the street with hundreds of screaming, laughing children, adults and teenagers on an everyday stroll through town and whoops your skirt blew up and everyone saw; don’t tell me that flash of your bright blue and pink lingerie never brought the slightest tough of red to your perfect porcelain complexion.

The colour of the wind is the colour of every small drop of nature in this world, of every creative mind trying to break free and lastly it’s the colour of emotion that spreads across each face in this unforgettable universe.