Thursday, May 20, 2010


The world is a buzz of people running through the streets, cars hooting, babies crying and just the general pitter patter of the everyday noises that we call life.

No one notices anything different. Everyone is living life as they normally would. Stay at home moms are running their babies off to a play date so they can fit in their next Mani Pedi. Working dads are shouting across the board room at an office full of nervous staff. Then there are the teenagers testing the boundaries of their very existence and the grade ones going to school for the first time, excitement and nerves spread across their faces like wild fire.

When all of a sudden out of nowhere “the sound of one hand clapping” brings to the world a lapse of silence. No one can explain what they felt during that minute but all shall never be the same again. Everyone decided their destinies shall change due to one small clap.

Never under estimate the small things in life as they can make the biggest changes.

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